Reading List











An absolute masterpiece of a novel. It’s an alien invasion story at its core, but defies expectations about such an event at every turn. Liu Cixin’s writing (translated by Ken Liu, himself an incredible author) is gentle and powerful, able to detail complex scientific ideas and heart-wrenching choices with deft precision. I’ve savored it like a large meal, often taking breaks to digest. Truly a titan of speculative fiction.


Another engaging read from King, which at this point is to be expected. I found myself surprisingly invested in the fate of Dan Torrance and his burgeoning mentor relationship with new character Abra. King’s speedy, easily readable prose kept the Tinytown express moving right along. The True Knot are great villains, and the headlong rush toward the inevitable showdown of powerful forces was a great carrot dangling from a fairly short stick. I’ve often wondered if I preferred long-form King or short -form, and I think I’m in the latter camp these days. In any case, Doctor Sleep is a great time, despite a few detours into coincidence-happy plot.



A fantastic opener to a surprisingly thrilling series. A spiraling novel that poses more questions than it bothers to answer, it may prove frustrating. But, some strong character work and a few sprinkled Lovecraftian moments elevate it beyond its seemingly simple aspirations.




An incredible follow up to a strong start. The situation is different, the stakes are higher, and the answers still few and far between, but the train has left the station and things pick up even more steam as several new (and newly realized) characters propel the story of Area X forward.




As an unabashed Twin Peaks fan, Dukes’s well-researched tome dug deep, revealing aspects of the show that I was completely unaware of despite my otaku levels of obsession. He interviews nearly every person involved in the production of the show except for the ever-elusive Lynch himself and runs their words into a strong narrative that reveals the thrill of the show’s inception and the eventual lack of direction that left it adrift as season two ran into trouble. A great read for those who love the show, obviously, but also for those who want a window into the vagaries of TV production in the 90s.

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