I’m wiping tears away as I write this (and no, I am not joking or being hyperbolic), so I will keep it brief. The Comic-Con ’07 footage of Iron Man has swaggered it’s way onto YouTube, and I can finally die a happy man. I won’t attempt to describe it, and I will instead rely upon a single word that sums up my feelings well: hawesome. Watch it, love it, mark the date on your calendars. This, my friends, is the movie I have been waiting to see since I was 7.
Watch it here, or face my delicious wrath.
edit: The copyright police have taken down the youtube link, so I guess I will just keep my eyes open for another mirror. Amazing how a free presentation at a convention designed to build hype is somehow bad for tons of people to see (given the awesomeness of it). Oh well.
editedit: You can now download the file as an mpg here. Get it while it is hot!
edit edit edit: The trailer is now up in glorious Quicktime on Apple’s website! Watch and enjoy the delicious flavor!
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